Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy new year!

Yay for 2012! It has to be better than 2011 right?! Im determined to make this year my year!

I just wanted ro give an update. I lost 2 whole lbs! Now I'm down to 204! Still have a ways to go but I'm starting to try and concentrate on 10 lbs at a time. I cannot wait to be back in the 100s! I have not been since around this time 2 years ago! Yikes! I'll get there again.

As for working out I've been pretty much just spinning and running. I have been in love with spinning since the first class I ever took but as for running, I took longer to warm up! I completed week 5 day 3 of the couch to 5 k program last night and it was awesome! I ran a whole 20 mins straight! It was a fairly slow run at 5.0 the whole time but it was 1.7 miles approx which I have NEVERbeen able to do before. I feel like I like running because it does challenge me, and when I can complete things that I doubted I could do it bumps my confidence up! (at least a little for the time being) I'm sure the endorphins help a little too! But I cannot waitttt until my next run either tonight or tomorrow!!

Friday, December 30, 2011


Just wanted to let the world know I did not fall off the horse! I'm still at it but haven't blogged in awhile. Since the last time I blogged I have stopped doing the 30 day shred. I did 21 days and when I started level 3 I just felt it was not for me - most of the exercises really irritated my shins and I felt I could exercise more efficiently one my own.

I have stuck with the couch to 5k and I absolutely love it! I'm on week 5 and ran 3 five minute intervals today with 3 min intervals in between. It's amazing how much you can change your body in a short period of time when you have drive! I could not have imagined running 5 minutes straight on day one of running, let alone enjoying it! I haven't lost many pounds but I can feel myself getting stronger, and people can see the changes!

Will update again soon!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

More than half way thru!

Today I completed day 16 of the 30 day shred! I feel wonderful! I can definitely tell my body is adapting!

I also started the couch to 5k program again today. Week 1 day 1 was a breeze, maybe because this is my 6th time trying it, but it felt good! I was breathing heavy and grossly sweating so I know I did get a good workout! I feel like I need to add in the extra cardio to burn more fat while I am definitely being toned from the DVD!

I have a little under a month for my goal of those pants I discussed earlier! I will start posting weekly update pictures of me in the pants until December 15th! I'm excited and nervous at the same time! But it's bedtime for me!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Getting stronger!

I went out Saturday night && had a few too many adult beverages so I did skip the 30 day shred on Sunday. I can definitely see that I am loosing inches thou even thou the scale isn't budging! I also can feel myself getting stronger! I did another day of level 2 today and although it is still tough I can definitely tell a difference which is soo exciting! Now i want to try and focus on doing more cardio along with the DVD. I know I'm gaining a ton of muscle and the more muscle the faster you can burn fat. With that being said I think that throwing back in spinning and/or jogging will melt the fat off! I keep saying I don't have time, but the truth is I'm being lazy. I'm off Wednesday and will start then with adding in more cardio! Wish me luck!

Saturday, November 19, 2011


I started gaining the weight in the summer of 2008. I moved to upstate ny to work for the summer and started to pack in pounds. I was drinking a lot of beer and eating horribly. That's when my weight started to spiral out of control. When I left for ny in may I was around 165 by the end of June I remember being around 180 and thought I looked pregnant. By the end of the summer/beginning of the school year I was close to 200. I remember buying a size of 12 jeans from express that were tight but I promised myself I'd fit into them. By that christmas I did hit 200 and since January 1 2009 I have not been under 200 lbs.

That winter into summer and beyond I started hanging out with a new group of people and going out every weekend. But I'd refuse to wear jeans, hell at that point I didn't even know what jean size I wore because I only wore leggings. By the start of the following school year I was snuggly in a size 16, but only wore jeans when I HAD to, and only owned one pair. I reached the upper 220s at my heaviest weight.

Now I'm fluctuating between 200-210. Those size 12 jeans I can now get up, for awhile I couldn't get them past my thighs, and I can button and zip them with a lot hanging over, but better than nothing. I'm seeing them as my goal jeans now, and I really want to wear them December 16. Maybe an unrealistic goal - but that's what I'm shooting for!

There wasn't a real purpose in this post, just kind of venting.

30 day shred level 2!

Well I've done 2 days on level 2 of the 30 day shred && holy crap it's intense! I'm not sure I will ever get thru it semi easily like level 1. But at the same time I like level 2 SOOO much better! Everything you do works more than just one muscle. And every exercise I can actually feel the burn unlike level one! It also seems to be much easier on my shins! One cardio exercise requires "double jump rope" and that I cannot do due to my shins but I just do another 30 seconds of high knees which do not hurt my shins!

I'm really excited to see what the results will be from 10 days on level 2! After 10 days on level one there were
not any results really, I'm hoping there will be now!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Happy Saturday!

I know it has been a couple days since I have posted! Not much was going on.

Thursday was not a good day for me, I ate an entire bag of combos! Theres 7 1/3 cup servings in a bag at 130 calories each. Pretty scary, the good thing was I felt sooooo sick the entire night I will probably never pick another combo up in my lifetime! I went to the grocery store and picked up some fruits and veggies! Hopefully that will help me out! When I got home I halfass did the 30 day shred, my shins were screaming at me so I barely could do the butt kicks and jump rope, I did try my best thou!

Friday was a so-so day. I weighed myself when I got up and had gained weight, i was at 208.6 which is really upsetting because at the beginning of my vacation the first week of the month I had gotten down to 203, but wasn't watching what I eat or exercising much - I'm hoping it's muscle gain. But I pushed thru doing the 30 day shred again - day 5! - but had to modify the parts that hurt my shins, and probably did not burn as many calories, but it is better than nothing. My eating habits were okay for the day - Im trying to get in the habit of tracking my calories in my fitness pal on my phone - I filled in working at the pizzeria last night after my full time job, and I thought I was wasting away, I need to learn how to distribute my food for the day better, I had planned on eating a salad when I first got there, but we were busy and I didn't get to eat until after 7 and it was a slice of pizza, I did still have a good amount of calories left for the day so it's okay!

When at the pizzeria I got hit on too! Which sadly was very exciting! He's cute, but I do still miss my ex mucho. The guy was a guy that also helps out at the pizzeria, his brother. Later in the night he was like do you want me to set ya up with my brother? So hm, there's a possibility for the future!